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Top 10 Female Chess Players In The World 2024 Guide

Top 10 Female Chess Players: Celebrating Their Lives and Records

Chess has often been perceived as a male-dominated sport, but over the years, numerous brilliant female players have made their mark on the game. Their achievements not only showcase their extraordinary talent but also serve as an inspiration to many aspiring chess enthusiasts and competitive gamers. In this blog post, we celebrate the lives and records of the top 10 Female Chess Players who have left an indelible mark on the world of chess.

1. Judit Polgár

Life and Career

Judit Polgár, born in Hungary in 1976, is widely considered the greatest female chess player of all time. She was a child prodigy, having defeated her first grandmaster at the age of 11. Judit has consistently competed against the world’s top male players and has always held her own.

Records and Achievements

  • Highest Rating: 2735 Elo points (July 2005)
  • World Ranking: Peaked at No. 8 in the world overall
  • Notable Wins: Defeated multiple World Champions, including Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov

Female Chess Players

2. Hou Yifan

Life and Career

Born in 1994 in China, Hou Yifan is a chess prodigy who became the youngest female player to qualify for the title of Grandmaster at the age of 14. She is a multiple-time Women’s World Chess Champion and a leading figure in contemporary chess.

Records and Achievements

  • Highest Rating: 2686 Elo points (March 2015)
  • World Ranking: Consistently ranks among the top 100 players worldwide
  • Notable Wins: Four-time Women’s World Chess Champion

3. Nona Gaprindashvili

Life and Career

Nona Gaprindashvili, born in Georgia in 1941, was the first woman to be awarded the title of Grandmaster by FIDE. She is a pioneer in women’s chess and has inspired countless female players to pursue the game professionally.

Records and Achievements

  • Highest Rating: 2495 Elo points (November 1987)
  • World Ranking: First woman to achieve the Grandmaster title
  • Notable Wins: Five-time Women’s World Chess Champion

4. Maia Chiburdanidze

Life and Career

Maia Chiburdanidze, also from Georgia, was born in 1961 and became the Women’s World Chess Champion at the age of 17. Her reign lasted for 13 years, making her one of the longest-reigning champions in chess history.

Records and Achievements

  • Highest Rating: 2560 Elo points (January 1988)
  • World Ranking: Among the top female players during her career
  • Notable Wins: Six-time Women’s World Chess Champion

5. Vera Menchik

Life and Career

Vera Menchik, born in Russia in 1906, was the first Women’s World Chess Champion and held the title from 1927 until her death in 1944. She broke barriers for women in chess and laid the foundation for future generations.

Records and Achievements

  • Highest Rating: Active before the Elo rating system was introduced
  • World Ranking: Dominated women’s chess during her era
  • Notable Wins: Seven-time winner of the Women’s World Chess Championship

6. Xie Jun

Life and Career

Xie Jun, born in China in 1970, was the first Chinese player to become Women’s World Chess Champion. Her success helped popularize chess in China, paving the way for future Chinese grandmasters.

Records and Achievements

  • Highest Rating: 2574 Elo points (October 2000)
  • World Ranking: Consistently among the top female players
  • Notable Wins: Two-time Women’s World Chess Champion

7. Susan Polgar

Life and Career

Susan Polgar, born in Hungary in 1969, is the eldest of the Polgar sisters, all of whom became chess champions. Susan was the first woman to earn the Grandmaster title through traditional tournament play.

Read More: Top 12 Best Chess Players Of All Time 2024 Guide

Records and Achievements

  • Highest Rating: 2577 Elo points (January 2005)
  • World Ranking: Among the top female players during her career
  • Notable Wins: Four-time Women’s World Chess Champion

8. Pia Cramling

Life and Career

Pia Cramling, born in Sweden in 1963, has been one of the top female players for over three decades. She has consistently competed in both women’s and men’s tournaments, showcasing her versatility.

Records and Achievements

  • Highest Rating: 2550 Elo points (July 1992)
  • World Ranking: Among the top female players for many years
  • Notable Wins: Multiple-time winner of European Women’s Chess Championships

9. Nana Alexandria

Life and Career

Nana Alexandria, born in Georgia in 1949, is a prominent figure in women’s chess and has competed at the highest levels for decades. She has also contributed to the game as a coach and chess administrator.

Records and Achievements

  • Highest Rating: 2430 Elo points (January 1990)
  • World Ranking: Consistently among the top female players
  • Notable Wins: Multiple-time runner-up in Women’s World Chess Championships

10. Koneru Humpy

Life and Career

Koneru Humpy, born in India in 1987, is a contemporary chess star who has made significant strides in the game. She became the youngest woman to achieve the title of Grandmaster in 2002.

Records and Achievements

  • Highest Rating: 2623 Elo points (March 2010)
  • World Ranking: Consistently among the top female players
  • Notable Wins: Women’s World Rapid Chess Champion (2019)


These ten remarkable women have not only excelled in the game of chess but have also broken barriers and set new standards for future generations. Their achievements demonstrate that talent, hard work, and perseverance know no gender. As we celebrate their contributions to the world of chess, we hope their stories inspire more women to take up the game and aim for greatness.

Whether you’re a chess enthusiast, a competitive gamer, or someone passionate about female empowerment, these players’ lives and records offer valuable lessons and inspiration. Keep following their journeys, and perhaps one day, you too can make your mark on the world of chess.

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